tinder nightmare for real :D

Some people think that tinder is like a couple-searching website which can bridge people seeking out a relationship to each other. Yub, that is a good side but it also has drawback. Do you know that some participants consider this flirting website. Ok, maybe. Lets see what I collected below (: 

perhaps they are learning to make "how about" question

lession: dont send the same message to many 

even the person hiding it cant find it haha

tricky one !!!

good reason :]]

he has a hope to continue the conversation 

not a good start

not one night stand please

he wants to sing that song 

easy to treat

best treatment ever 

whats a poem

haha your relationship will be on fire 

back to the time using image


Sources: Ellen degeneres, Google and Instagram
If you are using tinder and have some dirty but funny match, please share. Thank you

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